Risborough Festival Family Fun Run

Risborough Run in the Park is organising a free family fun run which is open to everyone regardless of age or ability. There will be a 1k run for children and families, and also a 5k run. The 5k starts in the Market Square at 10am, while the 1k starts in Wades Park at 10:45am. Everyone is welcome to join in and do whatever distance you feel comfortable with. There will be prizes for the first man and woman to complete the 5k. For the children, there will be sweets as they finish the 1k and a prize for the first three finishers. To add to the atmosphere, why not turn up in red, white, and blue or in fancy dress to celebrate “90 Years – Celebrate the Best of Britain”. To enter, please register in advance at risboroughruninthepark.weebly.com. Registrations on the day will also be accepted.

Entry Options

5k Fun Run
1k Kid's Fun Run

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