Man V Barge

Start Tunnel end Marsden, at the same time as the barge enters the tunnel, finish in diggle before the barge. Follow this very well marked route, running or walking to earn a Chip Butties etc at the Diggle hotel...

The race is from Marsden to Diggle but will you finish in Diggle or?

Marsden - Diggle

From the finish (Diggle) you then have a short walk to Greenfield for the train home.
​Your route 5 miles ish! up and over Marsden Moor

Back to basics trail racing

Collect race numbers from registration no latter than 10:50
Cut Off time 1 hour 45 minutes for Marsden to Diggle.

Entry Options

Man V Barge
Late Entry After June 15th



We do NOT offer refunds for any event entry. At the moment you enter Man V Barge, we incur costs for processing your registration. In line with all other UK based race organisations from January 25, 2014 we no longer offer refunds.

There are no name transfers for this event. 

You can manage your entries in the section of your Racer Dashboard.

Organiser Updates (3)

Parking Restrictions etc

sent by RunAble on 02/08/2021 at 08:27
*Do NOT park on Reddisher Road, this has been an issue every year, it upsets residents, it causes safety issues, blocks access and simply won't be tolerated. Park there and you will be disqualified on the start line.
There is NO drop off at tunnel end, if you do this, we will just remove you from the race, no exceptions no excuses. sorry that this is harsh but it has put the future of this event at grave risk.

We do not have permission to use the canal path or the visitor centre cafe, this year they have a wedding at the same time so please respect this. 


sent by RunAble on 11/06/2021 at 14:26
Nice meeting with the folks up at tunnel end this morning, it is all go for our little race against that there canal barge on August 7th.

A couple of slight alterations;

1, We have moved the start line approximately 100m further along Ainsley Lane, this will be obvious on the day.

2, For those that haven't already noticed, we are running registration from the old goods yard next to the train station in Marsden, this is also where we advise parking. there is no parking at or near the tunnel end!

3, Just in case you missed point 2! Registration is in the old goods yard Marsden, NOT at tunnel end so absolutely no point taking a vehicle there or getting dropped off there!

Now the bad bit!
There is absolutely no parking at the tunnel end or along any of the surrounding roads, these are access roads used by both the visitors centre and emergency services. Every year there are complaints and every year we fight to be able to have the event again... It was brought to our attention after the last event that runners had parked along Reddisher Rd blocking the road with double parking at one point, this puts the future of our event and other events in the area at risk, so!
As harsh as this sounds if you stupidly choose to park on this road we will simply disqualify you and anyone else that was in your vehicle and ban you from any future events!

Registration is open at The Old Goods Yard from 10:00 to 10:45 at 10:50 this will be closed!

The race starts from Ainsley Lane above the Visitors Centre anytime between 10:55 and 11:05 (governed by the speed of the barge but no later than 11:10!)

There are approximately 35 places remaining, and sadly we are unable to offer more once these are gone sorry!

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Events 2020

sent by Organic Adventure on 07/05/2020 at 18:47

All 2020 events from April 1st through to August 31st will be moved to 2021 dates as follows, please see image. 

Your Entry

All entries already registered and paid up to May 7th 2020, will automatically move forward to the 2021 date above, if the 2021 date is not suitable we will move your entry over to the 2022 date for you. This can only be done in the month leading up to the event so please do not send us emails requesting this now as we will not be able to process them. We are hopeful that we will not have to add any events later in the year to the list. 

If you have already entered and paid your entry fee you do not need to do anything further. There will be no name changes or additional transfers for any of these places, they are yours for either 2020 or 2021.


We wanted to inform you ourselves! 

As many of you are aware there have been a few event companies go into liquidation over the past 5 to 6 weeks, leaving many people out of pocket with no option of a future event or anything. We fear many more companies will be joining them, we have lost a t-shirt supplier and at this moment we are uncertain as to where we will be able to acquire medals or other mementoes as many of those suppliers have disappeared as well. 

We know at the beginning of this current situation we had mentioned that we would offer a 60% refund to those who genuinely could not make an adjusted date for an event, sadly, after looking into the situation we are now presented with now, financially we just can not offer to do this without ending the rest of the events and the business.

Other Events.

The smaller events such as Urban Night Series, 4 Seasons 10k etc will all go ahead on revised dates as soon as we have the go-ahead from the government. We are working on a few new events that will join in as midweek races and will let you have more info on these, but again won’t be able to release dates just yet! 

Organic Adventure

It is not all doom and gloom and as we have always done we are evolving and growing, we have a couple of new team members joining us they are already working on the new events and will be taking over the race directing at many of the other events too (Wane knows some of you just cheered!) will tell you more about them in the next few weeks or as soon as they dare send a photo in for a little bio. 

We know this is possibly not the news any of us want to hear at the moment, but we feel this is the best way to keep the events going for us all.  


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