Sun City Duathlon 2020

An absolutely fantastic way to start your season. A straight up Run, Bike, Run - 5km, 20km, 5km taking in the superb recently developed coastal area of Seaburn, a fast and fantastic 4 lap bike course taking in the superb coastal road, and a picturesque double run along the promenade and parade. This year we are delighted to announce that our event will be part of the BTF Regional Championship, please follow the link below for further information.

Visit our website for further information about Sun City Tri

Also take our virtual video tour of the run course.

Also take our virtual video tour of the Bike course.

Races start at 7:30am prompt with a mass start.

Being on the newly developed seafront there are loads of good vantage points, with seats for spectators. There’s a local crowd and plenty for family and friends to do after the race. No need to over think it – let us take you round the course with our on-line video.

Apart from the above, you will get access to the Grand Hotel Sunderland which will have a meet & greet hall with room for all to chat away those nerves whilst keeping warm. It also has ample toilet facilities.


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